Managing PowerShell DSC with Puppet

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Puppet Labs is doing a great series of webinars on automating your Windows environment. I just finished doing the Managing PowerShell DSC with Puppet webinar. Recording is up here and the code is here.

Speaking to an audience like that is easily the hardest thing I have done in a long while, and there wasn’t even video! I am too used to being in the back room coding as opposed to up front and talking to people. But this is one of the reasons I joined Puppet, putting myself out there. I’ve been working on automating systems on the Windows platform for over 14 years, but all of it internally and stuff I couldn’t share.

I tried to show how using DSC and Puppet together can cover all scenarios you encounter in your day to day job. I used PowerShell DSC at my last job to deploy a large client/server application in production. There was no documentation at the time, so I wrote my own book called Learning PowerShell DSC, to help others who were struggling with DSC. While you can use DSC on it’s own, it’s so much better with Puppet.